The NHS, its staff and medical equipment are at max capacity and in the coming weeks will likely be overwhelmed with the influx of Covid-19 cases. Tech companies from across the globe are rolling up their sleeves to help support health services and governments worldwide manage and mitigate the impact of Covid-19.
Visual dashboards
Visual Dashboards will be a critical technology to help the NHS during this crisis. Amazon AWS, Microsoft and Faculty AI are among companies aiming to create the technologies that will provide them.
These dashboards will gather data on ventilators, NHS staff resources, hospital bed capacities and other useful data. This technology will allow NHS management to:
- identify where critical equipment should be distributed
- where resources of NHS staff is required
- which facilities are best equipped to divert critically ill patients.
Manufacturing of ventilators
Babcock and Dyson are also offering their technological expertise in an effort to manufacture critical medical ventilators to the required medical specification. Dyson have made significant progress with the new technology and released photographs of their CoVent prototype. However, the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) must first approve the prototypes before the companies can enter into a critical manufacture phase.
Tech companies are playing a critical role
Tech companies, both large and small, in the UK and across the globe, are playing a critical role in the fight against Covid-19. These companies are demonstrating their resilience and technology capabilities in a time when it’s needed the most.