Buying and Selling a Rural Property

Our expert rural property team is here to help you with a purchase or sale. Our experience in dealing with the most unusual situations, combined with our proactive and personal service, makes us a valuable partner.

Green tractor in a farm backyard

Key contacts

One of our agriculture team talking to a client on their land

As a partner and solicitor in our real estate team, much of my work revolves around commercial property law and I act for a variety of clients, ranging from private individuals, developers and lenders to property holding companies, farming businesses and pension trusts.

Stephanie Dennis


There’s so much variety in agricultural work, and that’s what keeps my job so rewarding and satisfying. As an agriculture and rural affairs lawyer, I work with all types of clients ranging from farm businesses, to landed estates, to individuals.

A member of our agriculture and estates team on a farm talking to a client and smiling

Unusual or complex as usual

We act for individuals, farming businesses, farming partnerships, executors and trustees in the sale and purchase of rural houses, farms and farming businesses.

We are qualified to advise on registered and unregistered property and our services include:

  • Documenting unusual property arrangements including septic tanks, unadopted access roads, shared service media, private water supplies and boreholes
  • Purchasing ‘extras’ with a property such as a paddock or grazing land
  • Purchasing incorporeal property such as fishing rights, common rights manorial rights
  • Registering land at HM Land Registry
  • Advising on land-based environmental schemes that may affect a purchase or sale.
one of our solicitors sat at a table discussing work with a client

A proactive and personal service

Our experience in this sector means we understand the need for a personal service that recognises the unique complexities often involved in the work.

At the same time, we specialise in responding rapidly, working closely with other professionals as needed to help you achieve your goal, no matter how tight the timescale.

Hear what our clients say about us

I cannot thank Bryn Thomas enough for his professionalism and perseverance in a very difficult, drawn-out and challenging situation in the finalisation of my mother’s estate dispute.

Carrie Davies Estates dispute client

Many thanks, once again for both your hard work in this matter. I consider myself very lucky to have both of you acting for myself and family, I do not take this for granted what you both have done and continue to do.

Farming and Development Client Testimonial

The team is proactive, rather than reactive. Has a fantastic support network to accommodate any specialisms needed across the team, collaborating with difficult/complicated matters, meaning you are always getting the right, and best advice.

They provide seamless cover for any out of office requirements and their communication skills are exemplary, meaning you always know where you are with a transactions/job.

Legal 500 2024 Agriculture and Estates

HCR Hewitsons have been a longstanding partner of our organisation and supporting land acquisitions, disputes and projects of national significance for a number of years.

The firm are able to drill down to the necessary detail of a case quickly and effectively.

Legal 500 2024 Agriculture and Estates

Very knowledgeable about the subject matter and local idiosyncrasies. Personable, with a great eye for detail. In our case, they protected our position with vigour and demonstrated excellent commercial acumen. Well-connected to other professionals, with effective working relationships.


Legal 500 2024 Agriculture and Estates

From our first contact through to completion, the attention and communication was amazing. We feel very lucky to have been put in touch with you to represent us. As you know, we are now using HCR for the purchase of our next main home.

Client Sale of farmhouse and paddock land

Your service was just what was needed to solve this matter. I would always be very happy to use your services again if ever needed. Thanks again.

Client Dispute at livery yard

Many thanks for all your work on this and speedy responses to everything, you have made the whole process very simple for us. Thanks again!

Darren Gordon – General Manager Concept Environmental Solutions

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