Client Story

New biometric residence card acquired for client thanks to Employment and Immigration Associate’s expertise

15th February 2024

HCR office Cardiff

When a woman required help obtaining a new biometric permit (BRP) card, she turned to Employment and Immigration Associate Joanna Safadi for expertise. BRP cards can be used to confirm a person’s identity, right to study and right to to any public services or benefits.

Joanna guided her client through the intricacies of obtaining a new card – this was a complicated process as her client was often out of the country dealing with family issues.

Having obtained the BRP card, her client’s husband provided this testimonial:

“I would like to provide this statement as a testimonial regarding our experience with HCR Law. HCR Law supported us during my wife’s application for a a replacement card for her settlement visa.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the sincere guidance and extremely professional support we received from the team. The whole team led us through a step by step approach to make the whole process very smooth and eventually successful. A big thank you to Joanna Safadi and Jamie and each and everyone in your team at HCR Law.”