Advice from the experts on how to raise funds to back your ideas, protect your innovation, safeguard your data and make sure that your new developments are exploited for your benefit will be on offer at Malvern Festival of Innovation, when Harrison Clark Rickerbys partners give their insights into taking innovation forward.
Their advice will form part of the Business of Innovating symposium at the Malvern Theatres on Friday 6 October, when budding entrepreneurs can listen to those who embedded and secured innovation in their own businesses, as well as expert advisers. The partners will have a stand in the symposium exhibition (B09) and will offer 30-minute workshops from 1.30pm onwards.
The Festival runs from 2-7 October at various venues in Malvern and is now in its sixth year – last year it attracted around 2,000 visitors.
Jon Whitbread, who works with management teams and other stakeholders to turn around distressed businesses, also acts for specialist turnaround funds in connection with their investment/acquisition activities. He has a particular specialism in dealing with manufacturing businesses, and will speak on raising funds either to start up a business or to scale it up.
Addressing the issue of protecting your intellectual property, Kate Lees, a patent attorney with over 18 years’ experience in both British and European patents, has a particular interest in the health-care industry, but has specific areas of expertise including agrochemicals, food supplements, oil recovery and assisted living products. She has extensive experience filing registered designs and in relations to settling matters relating to registered design and unregistered design right infringement.
Exploiting new business ideas through commercialisation will be Rob Cobley’s focus – he works in the intellectual property and technology team within the commercial department, and has a background in IT, having worked for a software house before qualifying as a solicitor. He supports clients ranging from small owner-managed businesses to large international telecoms providers, advising on IT, intellectual property and general commercial contracts.
Adrian Burden, who founded the Festival, said: “Anyone with a great new idea needs support, advice and expert input and I know that our three presenters from Harrison Clark Rickerbys will offer all of that to our audience. This year’s festival has an outstanding range of speakers, events and opportunities for all innovators and we look forward to welcoming many new visitors of all ages.”