The Skills for Care charity has issued updated guidance reminding the care sector to train via digital solutions, with no face to face training.
The charity acknowledges that training must continue to ensure there is a skilled and competent workforce within the care sector, including, but not limited to:
- Care certificate
- Assisting and moving people
- Basic life support and first aid
- Fire safety
- Food safety
- Health and safety awareness
- Infection prevention and control
- Medication management
- Safeguarding adults.
The care sector still needs to provide person-centred care and support and to be able to meet the diverse needs of the individuals they support.
Kate Teroini, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at the CQC, said: “We welcome the new guidance from Skills for Care on staff training during the COVID-19 crisis.
“We recognise that providers will be prioritising providing care to people and this may mean that training will be delayed. However, providers should make every effort to ensure that staff are competent, confident and skilled in providing safe care to the people using their service. We understand the pressures that providers are facing and difficult choices it may require them to make. We want to support providers in whatever way we can during this crisis period. We are on your side: we are here to work with you, to listen to you, and to support you with the inevitable tough decisions you will face.”
Skills for Care have identified fully funded virtual training for
- Volunteers
- Existing staff
- New staff – rapid induction
- Staff who are being redeployed
Full details can be found here.