Why choose me
When it comes to rural affairs, you need someone who can speak your language. I understand the pressures and demands on the agricultural community, working with farmers, food companies, cattle dealers, waste businesses and many more to handle the regulations that affect them and keep them on track.
From Snowdonia to Pembrokeshire, and Lancashire to Devon, I travel the length and breadth of the country to see my clients in their homes and premises – often with wellies in hand! My passion for the countryside is lifelong, having grown up in a Welsh farming family, and I was inspired to develop my practice, in Welsh and in English, based on the strains and demands they faced.
I’ve handled numerous high profile cases, and I know how to react quickly, managing the legal issues as well as the battle for public opinion that often ensues. I make it my business to understand changes in regulation before they affect the industry, so I can help you to plan ahead, reduce the potential impact and make sure you’re well informed.
Outside of work, I enjoy cycling, and I go to see Llanelli Scarlets RFC at every opportunity, whether home or away.
Pam dewis fi
Ym myd materion gwledig, mae’n allweddol cael rhywun sy’n deall y sector yn drylwyr. Dwi’n deall y pwysau a’r gofynion sydd o hyd yn wynebu’r gymuned amaethyddol wrth weithio’n gyson gyda ffermwyr, cwmnïau bwyd, delwyr gwartheg, busnesau gwastraff a mwy er mwyn eu galluogi i weithio o fewn fframwaith y rheolau amrywiol sydd mewn grym.
O Eryri i Sir Benfro, o Swydd Gaerhirfryn i Ddyfnaint, dwi’n teithio hyd a lled y wlad i gyfarfod â’m cleientiaid naill ai yn eu cartrefi neu yn eu lle gwaith – yn aml mewn pâr o wellies! Dwi’n hannu o deulu amaethyddol a chefais fy magu ar fferm draddodiadol Gymreig – fe wnaeth profiadau’r teulu fy ysgogi i ddatblygu fy ngwaith yn y maes yma lle dwi’n awr yn gweithio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg.
Dwi wedi cynrychioli cleientiaid mewn sawl achos proffil uchel a dwi’n gallu ymateb yn gyflym er mwyn delio â’r materion cyfreithiol ac yn aml hefyd y frwydr i gipio barn y cyhoedd gan fod y math yma o achos yn gallu denu sylw. Dwi’n sicrhau fy mod i’n monitro unrhyw newidiadau i’r rheolau a sut y gall y datblygiadau hynny effeithio ar y sector.
Tu allan i oriau gwaith, dwi’n mwynhau beicio a dwi’n cymryd bob cyfle i fynd i wylio clwb Sgarlets Llanelli pan fyddan nhw’n chwarae gartref neu oddi cartref.

When it comes to rural affairs, you need someone who can speak your language. I understand the pressures and demands on the agricultural community, working with farmers, food companies, cattle dealers, waste businesses and many more to handle the regulations that affect them and keep them on track.
From Snowdonia to Pembrokeshire, and Lancashire to Devon, I travel the length and breadth of the country to see my clients in their homes and premises – often with wellies in hand! My passion for the countryside is lifelong, having grown up in a Welsh farming family, and I was inspired to develop my practice, in Welsh and in English, based on the strains and demands they faced.
I’ve handled numerous high profile cases, and I know how to react quickly, managing the legal issues as well as the battle for public opinion that often ensues. I make it my business to understand changes in regulation before they affect the industry, so I can help you to plan ahead, reduce the potential impact and make sure you’re well informed.
Outside of work, I enjoy cycling, and I go to see Llanelli Scarlets RFC at every opportunity, whether home or away.
Pam dewis fi
Ym myd materion gwledig, mae’n allweddol cael rhywun sy’n deall y sector yn drylwyr. Dwi’n deall y pwysau a’r gofynion sydd o hyd yn wynebu’r gymuned amaethyddol wrth weithio’n gyson gyda ffermwyr, cwmnïau bwyd, delwyr gwartheg, busnesau gwastraff a mwy er mwyn eu galluogi i weithio o fewn fframwaith y rheolau amrywiol sydd mewn grym.
O Eryri i Sir Benfro, o Swydd Gaerhirfryn i Ddyfnaint, dwi’n teithio hyd a lled y wlad i gyfarfod â’m cleientiaid naill ai yn eu cartrefi neu yn eu lle gwaith – yn aml mewn pâr o wellies! Dwi’n hannu o deulu amaethyddol a chefais fy magu ar fferm draddodiadol Gymreig – fe wnaeth profiadau’r teulu fy ysgogi i ddatblygu fy ngwaith yn y maes yma lle dwi’n awr yn gweithio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg.
Dwi wedi cynrychioli cleientiaid mewn sawl achos proffil uchel a dwi’n gallu ymateb yn gyflym er mwyn delio â’r materion cyfreithiol ac yn aml hefyd y frwydr i gipio barn y cyhoedd gan fod y math yma o achos yn gallu denu sylw. Dwi’n sicrhau fy mod i’n monitro unrhyw newidiadau i’r rheolau a sut y gall y datblygiadau hynny effeithio ar y sector.
Tu allan i oriau gwaith, dwi’n mwynhau beicio a dwi’n cymryd bob cyfle i fynd i wylio clwb Sgarlets Llanelli pan fyddan nhw’n chwarae gartref neu oddi cartref.
Questions my clients ask me
That’s definitely not true when it comes to me – I live in the country, and was raised in an environment where all my family were farmers and producers. This gives me knowledge and empathy that others won’t have, and you can rest assured knowing that I know your world because it’s mine, too.
Absolutely – I really enjoy coming out to farms, and I consider that I need to see you on your patch to know what you’re all about. So, let’s sit down at the kitchen table and have a chat.
It depends on the case, but I’ll provide the best advice I can, and I’ll always work hard to get the right solution for you as quickly as possible.
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