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Commercial Forum for Academies and Independent Schools

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Microsoft Teams

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At our Commercial Forum for Academies and Independent Schools we invite senior leaders and trustees, in particular CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Bursars and Business Managers to discuss the latest issues affecting them.

In this session Gemma Hill, a Senior Associate in our Employment team, will be joining us to provide an update on forthcoming employment changes to be introduced by the new Government which you will need to be aware of in the months ahead. This will include flexible working and other family friendly imminent developments to employment legislation.

We are also pleased to be joined by Alison Phelps, Relationship Manager in the Education team at Lloyds Bank, who will highlight the latest financial matters that are currently at the top of schools’ agendas, including:

  • Treasury deposits: investment policy
  • Fraud: what to do in the event of a ransomware attack
  • Financial efficiencies: single bank accounts, centralisation, and maximising use of cards and advancement in technology
  • Housekeeping
  • Maximising income from assets such as hiring out facilities, and use of card readers for fundraising.

This virtual forum will be an informal and interactive space for attendees to share their experience.

Please be aware that there is a limited number of spaces for this event and so early acceptances are advised.

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18 March 2025 08:30 - 10:30

Gear Up For Growth: Accelerating Your Business’s Next Steps

Morgan Motors, Pickersleigh Rd

Co-hosted by HCR Law and Hazlewoods, we invite you to a breakfast panel where advisers will discuss accelerating your business’s next steps. In the unique surroundings of the Morgan Motor Company factory, our Q&A session will share insights on growth through to future succession and how to navigate the various routes, opportunities and potential challenges along the way. This event is ideal for entrepreneurs and business owners who would like to understand more about taking their business to the next...

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