Client Story

Acquisition of 15 properties completed on time thanks to Real Estate Healthcare team’s expertise

26 April 2024

three people looking out of a window in a new house

HCR’s Real Estate Healthcare team acted in the acquisition of 15 properties – 85 units – from a registered provider and subsequent grant of a service level contract, or underlease, to a related care provider. The total annual rents payable under the portfolio was in the region of £85,000. This was a particularly complex transaction because a number of underleases were involved.

It was also a complex project in itself, involving a number of developers, registered providers and their respective commercial and legal advisers. The project formed part of the acquisition of a major provider’s healthcare and real estate assets, one of the largest transactions in the UK health and social care market that year.

The team successfully completed the deal on time, aligning with the numerous parties involved.

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