
HCR releases latest insights report on tackling the UK skills shortage

5th June 2023

The UK has been facing a skills shortage, particularly in knowledge-intensive sectors, for years. But now – with Brexit, Covid, and a cost-of-living crisis – it’s more universal and it’s affecting more businesses. With recent data showing that 68% of SMEs and 86% of large organisations are facing skills shortages, a new report published by HCR highlights the need for businesses to take action.

‘Tackling the UK Skills Shortage – What, Why, and How’ proposes three solutions for closing the skills gap, and gives employers practical steps and downloadable tools they can adapt for their own purpose. It also includes a guide to becoming a licensed sponsor for those firms exploring business immigration.

“The UK’s workplace, and its workforce, has been through a revolution. For many, it’s for the better, but the challenges that have come with this new normal – from staff retention to managing remote workers – are significant. And when people are your biggest asset, but what they want is changing, you need to change with them”, urges Head of Employment and Immigration, Michael Stokes.

“This report addresses the current skills shortage, what it means for you, and how you can overcome it.” Michael continues. “We hope it helps employers of all shapes and sizes think about the steps they can take to tackle the issues.”

You can download the report here.

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