Contracts of employment
Anyone classed as an employee or worker has the right to a written statement containing the terms and conditions of their employment. This document, commonly referred to as a contact of employment, should be received by employees no later than their first working day.
If an employee does not receive a copy of their terms, or if there is a dispute around the way in which the terms are interpreted, they could make a claim at an employment tribunal. Contracts of employment must contain specific information regarding to pay, holiday, working hours and entitlement to benefits. Normally, other information relating to work rules are contained in a staff handbook.
A contract of employment is a legally binding agreement between employer and employee. This agreement is formed when the employer offers work to the employee, and the employee accepts work in return for pay. In such a contract, the following information must be included:
- The names of both the employer and the employee
- Job title and description
- Employment start date and date of employee’s beginning of continuous employment
- Place and hours of work
- Pay and pay frequency
- Holiday entitlement and holiday pay
- Any benefits (such as childcare vouchers or lunch vouchers)
- Entitlement to statutory leave (such as maternity, paternity, adoption)
- Any obligatory training
- Details of any collective agreements which may directly affect the employee’s conditions of employment.
These are the essential points; however, it is important that your organisation has the right contract for the position being offered as there are many different types of employment contracts.
Staff handbooks
A clear set of rules and procedures outlining how the business operates avoids confusion whilst ensuring consistency. Staff handbooks should also answer any questions employees have on processes and procedures.
Disciplinary procedures
It’s unfortunate, but at some point all businesses may need to engage with a complaint made by or against an employee. Clear guidance is needed to outline the steps to be taken for both employees and senior staff dealing with the process.
Equal opportunities
An equal opportunities policy is designed to show that an employer treats all of its employees fairly. This policy should apply to all aspects of employment.
It should set out the businesses approach to equal opportunities and how they deal with, and avoid, discrimination at work. Specific “protected characteristics” are outlined in the Equality Act. These include:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnerships
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
Health and safety
We provide all of our health and safety clients with a dedicated consultant who will get to know you, your teams and your business personally. Your consultant will ensure your health and safety management system is kept up-to-date with all health and safety legislation changes and will be able to provide you with a range of services to support everyone on a day-to-day basis.
These are just some of the services Eagle HR offer. We can also provide you with information about incorporating social media policies into your employment contracts, as well as guidance on working time regulation advice.