HCR Hewitsons has been reappointed to the NFU legal panel for East Anglia to support its members, specifically in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. HCR Hewitsons is one of two firms appointed for the region, alongside Tees Solicitors who will support members across Essex, Hertfordshire and Suffolk.
The firm has been on the panel since 2008 when it was established, demonstrating its commitment to fully supporting the NFU and its members. The recent panel review assessed firms’ legal services, engagement with the organisation and its members, as well as feedback from NFU members and staff.
Having committed to support NFU members, Denise Wilkinson, Head of Agriculture and Rural Affairs at HCR Hewitsons said, “We are delighted to be reappointed to the legal panel to serve Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk.
“These are challenging times for those involved in agriculture, rural business or land management and the NFU membership services and support will be needed by them more than ever. We are committed to supporting the NFU and its members. As a team we have decades of experience dealing with the complex legal and strategic challenges that arise and we have a wide range of specialists who can help.”
The firm has a specialist team of agricultural and rural solicitors – many from farming backgrounds – so are well placed on the legal panel. Clients come to us from all corners of the industry and we provide practical and commercial advice within the context of the sector’s challenges and opportunities.