Client Story

Right-of-way resolution leads to testimonial thanks to Partner’s expertise

4 February 2025

Green fields with trees and borders

When a client purchased a smallholding, they found they needed a formally documented right-of-way over land owned by two different owners running from the public highway. In order to achieve this, they required expert agricultural legal advice – and contacted Bryn Thomas, Partner in the Agriculture and Estates team.

Bryn met with his client and negotiated settlement terms for the necessary right of access, so avoiding the need to become embroiled in contentious and costly proceedings before the Property Tribunal.

This led to a settlement of the case with the formally documented right of way – also known as a deed of easement – executed by all parties.

Following the successful outcome, Bryn’s client was moved to provide a testimonial for him. They said: “I know we have said it before, but you were noting short of wonderful in helping us to get a good outcome.”

Bryn said: “Rights-of-way over land can often be difficult to decipher, so it’s always pleasing to achieve a positive outcome for a client in a case like this.”

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