In this webinar with Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce our Commercial, Banking and Finance and Employment partners  cover the rise of technology during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the funding options that are critical for business survival during this time and of course, furlough.

Tim Littler, a partner in our Banking and Finance team, talks about options for financial support covering keys terms of CBILS, CLBILS, CCFF and Bounce back Loan scheme during Covid-19. Things to consider and what to do if you get turned down from one of the schemes at 00:01.

Nicola McNeely, a partner in our Commercial team and head of our Technology sector talks about technology adoption acceleration during Covid-19, the why and how of changes happening and potential issues and opportunities coming down the line for us individually and for business. Highlighting shifts in telemedicine, use of AI chat bots for diagnosis and treatment at 10:28.

Rachel Roberts, a partner in our Employment and Immigration team, talks about furlough covering the law (or absence of it), spirit, guidance and reality of the scheme along with exit strategies for businesses as we return to work and think about life after furlough to ensure your people are motivated and safe at 20:00.

Q&A at 35:00.

If you would like to get in touch with any of our speakers, their contact details are on their name links above, or please contact Robert Capper, Covid-19 Lead.

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