This video was recorded on June 24th which is a ‘rent quarter day’ when many landlords should be expecting rent payments from tenants. Matthew Hayes, Head of Real Estate talks to Clare Day, Partner, Head of Real Estate Finance and Ben Thomas, Partner, Real Estate about the issues the commercial property market is facing right now, and the team answer the questions you’ve been asking of our experts.

Conversation topics include (timings are in brackets):

  • (1:05) Tell us what your clients are experiencing right now
  • (3:24) What redress can landlords seek against tenants that are unable to pay their rent, or at risk of insolvency?
  • (5:20) Can you outline the steps the government has undertaken to stop overly aggressive landlords taking action against their tenants?
  • (10:54) Tell us about some of the formal arrangements, for example lease reviews and rent free holidays, that you’ve seen coming into play between landlords and tenants, and how these have been implemented for your clients
  • (14:10) What informal measures have landlords and tenants taken during the pandemic?
  • What is your experience of the pressures that landlords with property portfolios are feeling currently – how are landlords feeling?
  • (15:30) What options do landlords that are facing pressure from the banks and lenders, have?
  • (20:19) Can you provide insight on how the commercial property market is fairing at the moment?
  • (22:34) Can you talk about lender attitudes and the activity within the real estate finance market, for example on valuations and the types of finance products available to borrowers? 
  • (27:28) Do you think we can anticipate a fundamental shift in how commercial property, and work spaces will be used in the future?
  • (30:30) And what do you think this property shift might look like for retailers?

The recording is 33 minutes 45 seconds

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