
Topical updates, expert insights and belly laughs galore! Record numbers at this year’s R&I conference

19 October 2023

With a record number of attendees, this year’s Restructuring and Insolvency conference covered more than ever before – from a review of the last three years of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 to the latest in crypto asset recovery and the all-important insurance and risk update. New for this year – we were thrilled to have hosted the event at the magnificent WTW building.

Global economist James Pomeroy of HSBC set the scene for us with an economics update, followed by a review of recent restructuring and insolvency cases in our legal update from experts Deanne Hamilton, Stuart Taylor, Paul Grundy and Frank Brumby.

However, our update didn’t stop there, with sector-focused solutions. Head of Construction Legal Services, Colin Jones, explained what to look out for when scanning for insolvency red flags in the construction sector. He was followed by an update on restructuring in real estate from our Head of Finance and Financial Services Clare Day. With no stone left unturned, Rachel Roberts, HCR’s Deputy Head of Employment and Immigration explained the key issues facing employers – from the importance of timing during the redundancy process connected to administrations and insolvencies, to the importance of staying up to date with the latest in immigration.

Head of Insurance Jonathan Edwards took us through a plethora of practical advice for businesses looking to notify their insurers of a claim, along with the dangers of failing to comply with condition precedents.

Making sure we keep you up-to-date with the latest in developments across the legal sphere, we were pleased to provide a grounding in blockchain – our experts were joined by Francesco Piccoli, Senior Director of Products at AnChain.AI. The discussion covered the thousands of different cryptoassets around the globe, how blockchain technology works and what makes it such a hot topic at the moment.

Matthew Weaver KC at Radcliffe Chambers and Kate Rogers Barrister at Radcliffe Chambers took to the stage next and took us through learnings from recent cases followed by Gwilym Jones Director at Henderson & Jones who shared further insight. With thanks to our sponsors Radcliffe Chambers, Henderson & Jones and Axia for their support.

Finally, we were joined by the hilarious Hal Cruttenden before an evening of canapes, drinks and networking.

Our Restructuring and Insolvency team are on hand, ready to support you and your business needs. Find their information here or contact us for help and advice.

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